Month: November 2022

M23 rebels say DR Congo-Rwanda ceasefire deal does not affect them

The M23 rebel group said that a ceasefire announced Wednesday “doesn’t really concern us,” while calling for “direct dialogue” with Democratic Republic of Congo’s government.“M23 has seen the document on social media… There was nobody in the summit (fr…

The world’s youth talk of making a difference

BEIJING, Nov. 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — “We must do our part by finding our passion, dreaming big, then starting small, and loving others along the way, and we can absolutely take our impact on the world to a whole another level,” said Geresu Dagmawit Mesfin in the final of the

Landslide Kills at Least 14 Attending Funeral in Cameroon Capital

A landslide in Cameroon’s capital Yaounde Sunday killed at least 14 people who were attending a funeral, the region’s governor said.”We are carrying the corpses to the mortuary of the central hospital, while the search for other people, or corpses, is …

UN wildlife conference ends with protection for 500 species

PANAMA An international conference on trade in endangered species ended in Panama, with protections established for over 500 species.The measures were approved by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, know…

King Hamad Youth Empowerment Award to Achieve SDGs winners honoured

Manama His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today deputised HM the King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs, His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, to honour the laureates of the “King Hamad Youth Empowerment Award t…

La Conférence sur l’innovation et le développement a eu lieu à Nankin à l’occasion du 120e anniversaire de l’université d’agriculture de Nankin

NANKIN, Chine, 25 novembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Après douze décennies d’excellence en constante progression, l’université d’agriculture de Nankin (la NAU) a célébré son 120e anniversaire lors de la Conférence sur l’innovation et le développement qui s’est tenue le 20 novembre dans son centre sportif. Chen Ligen, Secrétaire du Comité du Parti

Hisense ouvre son premier showroom B2B en Afrique du Sud

LE CAP, Afrique du Sud, 24 novembre 2022/PRNewswire/ — Hisense, l’une des principales marques mondiales d’appareils électroménagers et d’électronique grand public, a annoncé l’ouverture de son premier showroom B2B en Afrique du Sud. Situé à Johannesburg, le showroom servira de salle d’exposition pour présenter les offres d’Hisense pour son segment