• October 11, 2024

Weekly Situation Report on Monkeypox Multi-Country Outbreak Response – Region of the Americas Issue 2, published 24 June 2022


As of 23 June 2022,

• 3,508 confirmed cases of monkeypox from 50 countries globally, 85% in the European Region, 12% in the Region of the Americas, 2% in the Africa Region, <1% in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and <1% in the Western Pacific Region. One death has been reported in Nigeria.

• 427 confirmed cases from 7 countries in the Americas: Argentina (4 cases), Brazil (11 cases), Canada (224 cases), Chile (3 cases), Mexico (11 cases), the United States of America (173 cases), and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1 case).

o 159 additional confirmed cases and one additional country (Chile) reporting confirmed cases since the last SitRep on 17 June 2022.

o 96% are reported in men aged 25 to 54 years old, of which most self-identify as men who have sex with other men.

• 30% of cases in the Americas did not report a recent history of travel.

• Further spread due to the link to festival, parties and venues is expected in the coming weeks.

• The first meeting of the International Health Regulation (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the multicountry outbreak of monkeypox was convened by the WHO Director on 23 June.

Source: Pan American Health Organization