WASH Severity Classification (WSC): Overview – WSC Light Cabo Delgado Province, Mozambique, January 2022

Based on available data, all districts in Cabo Delgado Province of Mozambique are in need of humanitarian assistance (severity Phase 3 or above). The violent conflict in the northern-most part of the province has led to disruption of humanitarian activities and resulted in widespread displacement. Out of the 17 districts in Cabo Delgado, 11 were classified in Phase 3 (Crisis) and 6 in Phase 4 (Critical situation), mainly due to presence of cholera, high levels of diarrheal diseases and poor sanitation and water coverage.


The WSC is a new interagency global initiative led by the Global WASH Cluster, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and REACH Initiative. Developed at the global level through a participatory process, the WSC project aims to build a standardized approach to classifying the severity of WASH needs and vulnerabilities across contexts.

The findings presented in this report are the product of a WSC Light exercise conducted in December 2021. Unlike standard WSC implementations, the Light approach does not have a joint analysis workshop. Instead, with the support of key WASH partners in-country, a global team of WSC analysts identified, reviewed, and processed data sources pertaining to different areas of the WSC Analytical Framework.

Normally the WSC analysis considers relevant data collected from various sources six months prior to the exercise. However, given lack of data for certain indicators, the data range was expanded to include the most recent relevant information. In light of this limitation and in line with the WSC protocols on data quality and reliability, overall phase classifications have been provided for the analysed districts but estimates for the proportion of the population in each phase are not. Data was collated from a range of sources, including government databases, UN agency and NGO assessments. The full list of data sources used is provided at the end of the document (Annex 2).

In accordance with the WSC Analysis Protocols, analysts iteratively analysed this information, producing severity classification for the 17 analysed districts and identifying the key factors driving the situation. The findings were then reviewed and validated by WASH experts in country

Source: UN Children’s Fund