• October 23, 2024

Violence and Abuse Wreak Havoc in Central African Republic

GENEVA – A human rights lawyer appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council reported to the body Friday that the war-torn Central African Republic’s civilian population is being battered by both armed groups and security forces meant to protect…

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Cameroon Begins Campaign Against Hate Speech

YAOUNDE, CAMEROON – Cameroon has launched a campaign against what it calls online hate speech, which officials blame for social conflict and damaging the central African state’s image. Rights groups, however, note that along with xenophobic statements…

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France to Pull More Than 2,000 Troops From Africa’s Sahel

PARIS – France will withdraw more than 2,000 troops from an anti-extremism force in Africa’s Sahel region by early next year and pivot its military presence to specialized regional forces instead, President Emmanuel Macron said Friday. Macron announced…

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As France Plans to Shrink Sahel Force, Jihadi Threat Grows

GAO, MALI – During a grueling, weekslong mission in northern Mali, French soldiers were confronted by a familiar threat: Extremists trying to impose the same strict Islamic rule that preceded France’s military intervention here more than eight years ag…

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Oxfam: 11 People Die of Hunger Each Minute Around the Globe

CAIRO – Anti-poverty organization Oxfam said Thursday that 11 people die of hunger each minute and that the number facing faminelike conditions around the globe has increased six times over the last year.In a report titled The Hunger Virus Multiplies, …

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UNICEF to Ship 220 Million Doses of J&J COVID-19 Vaccine to African Union

UNICEF said Thursday it has signed a deal to provide up to 220 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine to African Union member states by the end of 2022. The child humanitarian group announced in a statement the agreement was reached wi…

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Court Orders Ugandan Government to Regulate COVID-19 Treatment Costs

KAMPALA, UGANDA – Edward Bindhe was diagnosed in early June with COVID-19. Upon consultation with a doctor, he bought drugs off the shelf and stocked up on local herbs.Then, with a collapsed lung, failed breathing and total body weakness, Bindhe, who h…

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Hundreds of Women, Girls Brutalized by Soldiers in Tigray War?

MEKELLE, ETHIOPIA – The stories are eerily similar.Soldiers came to their homes and demanded to know the whereabouts of their husbands, fathers or brothers, insisting the men were fighters with Tigrayan forces at war with the government of Ethiopia.Whe…

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