• September 14, 2024

Banwa: The special delegation from the commune of Kouka visits farmers

Ouagadougou: Members of the special delegation from the commune of Kouka located nearly 45 km from Solenzo paid a visit to the fields on Saturday August 17 in order to encourage the farmers and touch on the realities of the producers.

According to th…

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Back to sports: the US armed forces bring out the heavy artillery for the next season

Ouagadougou: The formation of the Sports Union of the Armed Forces (USFA) has put resources into recruitment this year, with the arrival of several foreigners in its workforce in order to ‘play the leading roles’ See you next season which will start s…

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Mouhoun: Defenders of the Transition provide a citizen monitoring framework in Bondokuy

Ouagadougou: The ‘Waiyans’ of the commune of Bondokuy, a commune located 100 km from Dedougou, launched their citizen watch on August 15, in the presence of several residents mobilized for the occasion.

Gédéon Tamboé, the municipal coordinator of the…

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Center-South: Members of the government and journalists at the summit of Pic Nahouri

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Tourism, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, at the head of a government delegation and media professionals faced the climb of the Pic du Nahouri, 447m high, this Sunday, completing two days of tourist tour in the province …

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Fanta Jolie Mousso says she is seduced by the Nahouri murals for their authenticity

Ouagadougou: Fanta Jolie Mousso, Burkinabè for three years and very active on social networks, likes the paintings on the walls of the Kassena concessions, in particular the walls of the royal court of Tiébélé or the refuge hut from Binger particularl…

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Weeding on the RN17: The ‘Waiyans’ want to strengthen security on the Tenkodogo-Ouargaye axis

Ouagadougou: Citizen watch leaders, commonly called ‘Waiyans’, have, at the initiative of the mission manager for the Center-East region Adama Kamboné, cut down the tall grass and trees around national road No. 17, on Saturday August 17, 2024, over a …

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Monkey pox: Burkina puts all its health facilities on alert

Ouagadougou: Following the resurgence of monkeypox in Africa, Burkina Faso, which has not yet recorded any confirmed cases, has however decided, following the required protocol, to put all its health facilities at all levels of the health pyramid. Thi…

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Economic empowerment of young people in Sabcé: Bissa Gold trains and teams local poultry producers

Ouagadougou: The Bissa Gold SA mining company organized a ceremony to hand over poultry farming equipment on August 15, 2024 for the benefit of a cooperative of poultry farmers in the commune of Sabcé, which had previously been formed and whose member…

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